Loutraki, Loutraki, Pella, Macedonia

(+30) 2384091300

The Themal baths of Aridaia (Loutraki or Pozar) are located at the foot of Mount Vora. They are a few kilometers away from the highest ski resort of Greece and 32km of Edessa. There are 6 main springs. The healing, hot water has a temperature of 37oC throughout the year. It is suitable for both spa and drinking therapy and is used for treatment of various diseases. In the bath centre there are outdoor and indoor pools, as well as individual bathtubs.

Region auswählen
  • Region auswählen
  • Ägäis Inseln
  • Epirus
  • Ionische Inseln
  • Kreta
  • Macedonia
  • Peloponnes
  • Thessalien
  • Thrakien
  • Zentralgriechenland

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