Samaria, Chania, Chania, Kreta

(+30) 2821045570

Samaria Canyon is the second most popular tourist attraction in Crete (after the Minoan palace of Knossos) and by far the most popular walk. The gorge is 16 km long and the path, although it is maintained and in good condition, is always stony and also steep at times.

Region auswählen
  • Region auswählen
  • Ägäis Inseln
  • Epirus
  • Ionische Inseln
  • Kreta
  • Macedonia
  • Peloponnes
  • Thessalien
  • Thrakien
  • Zentralgriechenland

Höchstbewertet Museen

Höchstbewertet Denkmäler

Höchstbewertet Strände

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